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Join Oh! Army

What is the Program about?

If you possess the drive and passion to revolutionize the world of hair colouring, and ignite conversations about bold reds, blues, and pinks without hesitation, then this program is made for you!

Why should you join this community?

By joining Oh! Army you will get a chance to become the brand ambassador for our brand in your college, you'll have the opportunity to influence brand decisions, potentially lead events and brand presence in your campus as well as in your city as an ambassador in the future, and work closely with team 2.Oh! . Isn't that incredible? Cherish this chance to win exclusive merch, goodies, freebies, and more. It's an unmissable opportunity!

How to join Oh! Army

Engage with us on our social media accounts (@2.oh_india on Instagram).
Complete the form at your convenience.
Relax and await a response from our team!